"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
Ephesians 5:1-2
As Christians, we stand in a relationship to God, as His dear children. And, as in human relationships, this also has certain implications. Just as we like - or should like! - to express our appreciation of our friends and loved ones, so it should give us pleasure and joy in thinking out ways of giving pleasure to God. The human analogy helps us here: It is often not necessary to ask someone we love what they would like as a gift - parents know their children, and know what would please them, husbands know what will bring pleasure to their wives, and wives what will bring pleasure to their husbands, without asking. That is how it is in real relationships. And if we are walking with God, if our hearts love Him and desire to give expression to that love, then we will want to give Him what will delight His heart. Remember Mary and her alabaster box of precious spikenard poured out upon the Saviour - it was not the spikenard, but what it represented, that touched our Lord so deeply. It would be very beneficial for us all just to spend some time meditating on this, and giving thought to how we could give expression of our love for God that would bring pleasure and delight to His heart. That is never an unnecessary exercise. When we love anyone, we want that person to know our love, and we will put ourselves out to show and demonstrate it. Should we not have a similar urge and desire to express our love to God, and to His Son Jesus? It is very wonderful to think that we could ever bring delight and pleasure to the heart of God, but this is what the Scriptures themselves tell us. Then think on these things.