October 21st 2018 – Ephesians 1:1

"1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,

To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus."

Ephesians 1:1

This epistle is the expression of the maturity of Paul's spiritual experience, with his
missionary journeys behind him, with the end of his active service, and indeed his life,
not all that far ahead. There is an 'October mellowness' in its teaching. With regard to
the possibilities of interpretation, the noted scholar F.F. Bruce's view is that chs 1-3 give
a declaration of the eternal purposes of God in Christ wrought out in His church; and
that chs 4-6 give us the practical consequences for the Christian of these purposes.
Another - similar - suggestion is that chs 1-3 describe the nature of the new life in Christ
and that chs 4-6 show how that life is to be lived out. Following from this latter, the
theme of the epistle may be taken as the reality of the two worlds, 'in Christ' and 'in
Ephesus', and their interpenetration, not to say collision. In this regard 'in Ephesus'
means two things: a) 'in the world', among the pagan atmospheres (2:1-3, 2:11, 12,
4:17-19, 5:3-7); b) 'in the flesh', ordinary human existence (cf 5:22-6:9 - homes and
families, family relationships, daily work). Such is the sphere in which we are to live the
new life and in which it is to shine forth. On the other hand, 'in Christ' also introduces
us to two realities: a) the wealth and riches that are ours in Him; b) the reality of the
world of spirits arrayed against us 'in the heavenly places'. If this is a key to the
interpretation of the epistle, in terms of Ephesians 6:10ff, then Paul's concern is:

(a) to proclaim Christ's victory over all dark powers;
(b) to relate that victory and its realisation in the lives of believers
(c) to speak of 'the perfecting of the saints' in effective warfare with these dark
This last may be borne out by a consideration of Acts 19 and the account of the
turbulent time that Paul had at Ephesus during his extended visit there.