September 29th 2018 – Proverbs 27:23-27

Know well the condition of your flocks,
    and give attention to your herds,
 for riches do not last for ever;
    and does a crown endure to all generations?
 When the grass is gone and the new growth appears
    and the vegetation of the mountains is gathered,
 the lambs will provide your clothing,
    and the goats the price of a field.
There will be enough goats' milk for your food,
    for the food of your household
    and maintenance for your girls.

Proverbs 27:23-27

On the natural level, what is advocated in this passage (entitled by Kidner 'Pastoral Symphony') is the integrity of work well done, and done for its own sake, not 'with a view'. Quality tells, in work, and will be ultimately blessed. Kidner adds that the passage 'recalls the reader from the scramble for money and position (24) to the satisfaction of doing a worth-while job well (23), and to a recognition of the rhythm (25) and sufficiency (26, 27) of God's care.’ This poses a very practical and important question: What is the basis on which we finally decide which job in life to choose? Is the question what will it bring in, in terms of cash or status? Is that the criterion? Or, do we ask is this a worthwhile career, will there be fulfilment in it? The whole emphasis in contemporary society is on the former rather than on the latter. It is sad and disquieting to see a man opting for a job with the big salary simply because it has a big salary. It does not seem to matter that it is a meretricious job, so long as the money is good. This is a kind of prostitution - the prostitution of work and the prostitution of men also. It is very ugly. There would assuredly be more contentment and fulfilment in society today if such an attitude were flushed out of our system, and integrity took its place. For a spiritual application of these verses, see 1 Peter 5:1-4. Faithfulness and integrity in spiritual ministry will bring their own reward also; they can never be taken for granted.