A bribe is like a magic stone in the eyes of the one who gives it;
wherever he turns he prospers.
Whoever covers an offence seeks love,
but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.
A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding
than a hundred blows into a fool.
An evil man seeks only rebellion,
and a cruel messenger will be sent against him.Proverbs 17:8-11
The AV margin reads 'bribe' for 'gift' in 8, and this is the true force of the word. The proverb speaks of the briber's confidence in the power of money to influence any situation. Money talks - this is his creed, and it includes, by implication, the belief that every man has his price. He is wrong, of course, for - thankfully - there are those who cannot be bought, at any price. The RSV's rendering of 9b has 'He who forgives an offence', which gives a rather different meaning. The AV takes it in the same sense as 10:12b, 'love covereth all sins'. Either way, however, to do so is a loving action, and love seeks an answering love in return. The concern is to promote love rather than bitterness. 'Repeateth' in 9b can be taken in two ways: either in the sense of gossiping and tale bearing, or in the sense of harping on about the matter with monotonous insistence. The gossip, or the man who will never let the matter drop - both are equally destructive of friendship. The message in 10 is that often a gentle hint or suggestion is enough for a wise man, for he 'gets the message' right away. It is the fool who is so insensitive that he needs a broadside. Are we slow to 'cotton on'? The man who is ruthless and lawless (11) can hardly expect gentle treatment. This is a verse that is very relevant to many world situations today, and we need to be clear-sighted enough to see behind and beyond the crocodile tears that are sometimes wept for those whose violence draws upon them the firm and effective punishment meted out by the forces of law and order. Some people by their sentimentality are in danger of taking sides with violent and bloody revolution against the rule of law - and therefore against God. See Psalm 18:26b for the divine attitude to the rebelliousness of evil men.