May 25th 2018 – Proverbs 10:1

10 The proverbs of Solomon.

A wise son makes a glad father,
    but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.

We come with this chapter to the Proverbs proper those of Solomon, which comprise the main heart of the book, 10:1-22:16, and 25:1-29:27, A word of recapitulation on the theme of the first nine chapters may therefore be helpful at this point. We quoted Kidner as saying 'We do not come to Solomon's proverbs till 10:1, for the very good reason that the reader needs preparation if he is to use them fruitfully'. The introduction makes it clear that the book is a course of education in the life of wisdom, with the 'text' in 1:7 going to the heart of the matter, and the nine chapters following being an exposition of it in a series of exhortations from a father to his son 'which illustrate the fateful choice the pupil must make between wisdom and folly'. Then in 10:1ff., we are able to see in each proverb a miniature and particular outworking of the wisdom and folly that have been unfolded in the first nine chapters. We should note that, throughout, the assumption is made that the young should be prepared to listen to the counsel of the old. There is no problem of the 'generation gap' here, no thought of their saying, 'You do not understand'. Also, one thing that has stood out very clearly is the constant emphasis on wisdom being identified with the use of the mind, the reason and the understanding, rather than with the feelings, instincts and emotions. This is something that we shall continue to see in the proverbs that follow.