A book on church history?! Boy, that sounds dull. Why on earth would you want to read that? Old, irrelevant and dusty, that's what they are. Right?
Well, the Unquenchable Flame totally challenges that stereotype. It is a book about church history, yes, but that's where the similarities with the typical dull history book end. Instead, it's a gripping introduction to the Reformation of the church and the key figures behind it.
Ever wondered who John Calvin is? Martin Luther? Well, not only will you get an entertaining and humourous portrait of them as people, you'll discover the key ideas that drove them to stand up to a church that abandoned the grace of the gospel. Starting with the backdrop to the reformation, the book gives an overview of the situation that prompted the reformation , introduces the key Reformers and other characters that played a part (Scotland even gets a few mentions), and finally asks the probing question, ‘is the reformation over'? You are guaranteed an enjoyable and informative read.
What's it about? The medieval Reformation and the doctrine that is central to it.
What did you get out of it? A real appreciation of the sacrifice of others for what we have now, and so a growing sense of the richness and depth of the gospel.
Who is it for? The whole Tron Church family; it really is for anyone. It’s easy to read, it’s historical, it’s funny and it will inform you about our forerunners in the church.
How long does it take to read? Not long, as you will struggle to put it down. Bed-time reading for a week!
The Unquenchable Flame by Michael Reeves is available from 10ofthose for £7.89.