It’s our joy and duty as a Christian to hold up our brothers and sisters in prayer, suffering and rejoicing with the body of Christ globally. But if you’re like me, that seems a rather large task, with so many Christians in so many countries, where do I start?
Well good thing you came here, ABC has just what you need, Operation World’s latest edition, with all the latest information on the global church in every country, and suggested prayer points for each. It’s a rather Massimo-sized volume though, and designed primarily for use in prayer rather than reference, so I’ll conclude this review with some handy suggestions for how to use it.
Why not use it to build a daily prayer time into your routine? Each country has a day and a few key prayer points. Set aside half an hour to read it and pray, and see how your prayer life expands from there.
Why not use it to respond in faithful prayer to news stories from around the world? Read the appropriate chapters and remember Christians in Libya, Pakistan and Egypt.
Why not use it to study spiritually informed geography with your family? Read regularly and choose a country to pray for together as a family.